Support our vision!

Hey book lovers!

We're super excited to share our big dream with you - a used bookshop that puts the spotlight on marginalized and underrepresented authors. Why? Because we know books have the power to amplify voices that don't always get heard.

Your donations allow us to offer free and pay-what-you-can books at our events, donate books to local little libraries and non-profits, and donate funds directly to mutual aid and value-aligned non-profits. Your support also helps keep the lights on for this little indie queer-owned bookshop!

Picture this: a literary world where every story gets its moment to shine. That's what we're aiming for, and we'd love you to be part of it. Whatever support you can offer - big, small, or somewhere in between - will help us turn this dream into reality.

Thanks for believing in what we're doing. Ready to dive into this adventure with us and shake things up, one book at a time?

Let's do this!